Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies | Wired Science |
Month: August 2009 (Page 4 of 9)
Johann Hari: Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason – The Independent
Something strange has happened in America in the nine months since Barack Obama was elected. It has best been summarised by the comedian Bill Maher: “The Democrats have moved to the right, and the Republicans have moved to a mental hospital.”
For Purple Mountain Majesties (via Bill Wight CA)
GOES- 14, formerly GOES-O, has achieved another significant milestone with the release of the first formal Solar Image from the Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI)
About 400,000 people attend the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival in Bethel, N.Y., August 16, 1969. Credit: AP Photo
2009 Hurricane & Tropical Storm Names – via GOHSEP LA