“Standing wave Convection” photographs by Gabriel Kelemen
Title: William Burroughs
h/t: https://butdoesitfloat.com/Gabriel-Kelemen

Levitating in the Transmogrification of Binary Scribble
“Standing wave Convection” photographs by Gabriel Kelemen
Title: William Burroughs
h/t: https://butdoesitfloat.com/Gabriel-Kelemen
“We all… apprehend the land imperfectly, even when we go to the trouble to wander in it. Our perceptions are colored by preconception and desire. The physical landscape is an unstructured abode of space and time and is not entirely fathomable; but this does not necessarily put us at a disadvantage in seeking to know it. Believing them to be fundamentally mysterious in their form and color, the varieties of life inherent in them, in the tactile qualities of their soils, the sound of the violent fall of rain upon them, the smell of their buds – believing landscapes to be mysterious aggregations, it becomes easier to approach them.”
Barry Lopez
Arctic Dreams (p. 230)
As we have already glimpsed and will continue to discover, we are able to expand our awareness beyond the perceived limitations of our own person – Ervin László
Collages by Augustine Kofie
via but does it float
Honeybees can be managed in hives because in nature they congregate in tree cavities, but 70 percent of wild bees nest in the ground, often as solitary insects or as a congregation of loners: Think of an apartment building full of singles. Maybe as many as a third of bees evolved to feed off a given flower or flower family. The others are generalists and will devour whatever nectar and pollen is around. – Adrian Higgins
I had a dream, which was not all a dream
Images taken by the unmanned spacecraft Cassini
Title: Lord Byron
Image – Maya Lin: History of Water by L.A.Bean
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