Levitating in the Transmogrification of Binary Scribble

Month: August 2009 (Page 8 of 9)

yeah, you think shit is crowded down in argentina.. The sand bar is a full on circus, its an all caps cluster fuck of epic proportions. You got limo hummers parked in the water, helmet and life jacket clad newbs tomohawking the shit out of people, instructors screaming at people to stay out of the students way, people throwing down powered wake moves in 6” of water about 50 feet from ladies holding babies and sunbathing, huge german shepards humping on top of your gear, scads of 65 yo dudes with beards on windsurfers, no parking, kite pimps with their flags a flying, sailboats, barges, ice cold river water even in August, the death eddy current from hell, barges, herpes virus, dog feces, people stealing your stuff, a beautiful grassy launch-that we can’t use, and bathrooms that are a 500 yard trek from the launch. Other than that, its world class. Thumb’s Up BTW. Nobody; and I mean nobody in their right mind should ingest Taco Bell.

yeah, you think shit is crowded down in argentina.. The sand bar is a full on circus, its an all caps cluster fuck of epic proportions. You got limo hummers parked in the water, helmet and life jacket clad newbs tomohawking the shit out of people, instructors screaming at people to stay out of the students way, people throwing down powered wake moves in 6” of water about 50 feet from ladies holding babies and sunbathing, huge german shepards humping on top of your gear, scads of 65 yo dudes with beards on windsurfers, no parking, kite pimps with their flags a flying, sailboats, barges, ice cold river water even in August, the death eddy current from hell, barges, herpes virus, dog feces, people stealing your stuff, a beautiful grassy launch-that we can’t use, and bathrooms that are a 500 yard trek from the launch.

Other than that, its world class. Thumb’s Up

BTW. Nobody; and I mean nobody in their right mind should ingest Taco Bell.

PDXmonkeyboy on nwkite.com

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