Levitating in the Transmogrification of Binary Scribble

Month: October 2009 (Page 3 of 21)

Nowhere to be Found

Nowhere to be Found (Ben Heine)

Every day is a delight
By Peter S. Quinn

Every day is a delight
When it comes to you
Moments in their flight
Shall once again renew
Times never stand still
On their roads travel
Something there to fulfill
In each going unravel

Yesterdays were young
In their mood and plays
Every hour we’re among
Its many different ways
Forgotten no time is
It journeys in memories
Beautiful in dreamy bliss
Wishes for our believes

Like a glow in the deep
Or sunlight from around
Hours forever to keep
Once again moments found
Some like kisses or wine
Each in a different taste
Coming back here to shine
Our threads to be retraced

Harold Newton – Original Highwayman

“Harold Newton stands alone, having created the images of modern Florida that symbolized the state as the place to really be alive, to raise a family in its fecund wilds, and to find solace as one looks back at life in retirement. Florida was the Promised Land. The artist possessed an unmatched ability to define the state’s meaning and natural beauty in iconic dimensions. This is his legacy” – Gary Monroe

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