Levitating in the Transmogrification of Binary Scribble

Month: February 2014 (Page 2 of 2)

Com Truise | Mezzanine SF | Brokendate Video

Com Truise – “Brokendate” from Ghostly International on Vimeo.

Com Truise is one of the many personas of producer and designer Seth Haley, born and raised in upstate New York and operating out of a 12’-overrun apartment in Princeton, New Jersey. An admitted synth obsessive, Com Truise is the maker of an experimental and bottom heavy style he calls “mid-fi synth-wave, slow-motion funk”.

Catch him at the Mezzanine Thursday, February 27th 2014

NOISE POP: Com Truise | Mezzanine SF.

Lee Morgan The Sidewinder on Blue Note vinyl LP Record – Migkiller1971

The Sidewinder is a 1964 album by jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan, recorded at the Van Gelder Studio, Englewood, New Jersey. It was released on Blue Note label as BLP 4157 and BST 84157. The title track was one of the defining recordings of the soul jazz genre, becoming a jazz standard. – Migkiller1971

Lee Morgan – trumpet
Joe Henderson – tenor saxophone
Billy Higgins – drums
Barry Harris – piano
Bob Cranshaw – bass
Lee Morgan The Sidewinder on Blue Note vinyl LP Record – YouTube.

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