levitating in the ethereal transmogrification of binary scribble

Category: Art (Page 5 of 6)

David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street


Pencil on paper by Phong Bui via Brooklyn Rail

Pencil on paper by Phong Bui

“We are watching the beginnings of the defiant self-assertion of a new generation of Americans, a generation who are looking forward to finishing their education with no jobs, no future, but still saddled with enormous and unforgivable debt,” Graeber wrote in a Sept. 25 editorial published online by the Guardian. “Is it really surprising they would like to have a word with the financial magnates who stole their future?”

David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street – Take It Personally

Pencil on paper by Phong Bui – Brooklyn Rail


As an antidote to negative messaging, Scott Buschkuhl of the New York design studio, Hinterland, created this self-promotional poster. Printed on translucent paper, the Charles Dickens quote on one side is offset by a carefully registered pattern on the reverse.  When held up to light, the pattern shines through, obscuring the negative phrases and preserving just the uplifting ones.


New York’s High Line Park | Inhabitat

NYC Skyline Park

The City of New York was originally planning to tear down the High Line, but a group formed, called ‘Friends of the High Line’, to protect, preserve, and renovate the High Line. This eventually lead to a design competition, and the commissioning of landscape architects James Corner Field Operations and architects Diller Scodifio + Renfro to rehabilitate this abandoned space into a lush, green, elevated paradise for Manhattanites.

NYC Skyline Park

New York’s High Line Park in the Sky Opens Today! | Inhabitat – Green Design Will Save the World.

Tycho – Hours | Ghostly

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/20302464″]

While his formative years were spent listening to everything from Yes to Photek, Scott Hansen didn’t get his hands on an actual guitar or drum machine until he left his native Sacramento for San Francisco in 1995. “Encountering this whole new world at 20 years old was a profound experience,” says Hansen, better known by his musical pseudonym Tycho and as the graphic artist ISO50. “At the time, I was just learning the processes of design and music; both felt very similar, and have flowed back and forth for me ever since.”

(via http://soundcloud.com/ghostly/tycho-hours) 

Check out more of his artwork and music here:

James George | works | depth_editor_debug

Public candids combining DSLR and Kinect

Collaboration with Alexander Porter

In a future of user-complicity in surveillance can we create a parallel narrative allowing those who are seen to abstract and enjoy their own image?

We intend for these images to represent a hint of the potential for play and experimentation in a world of advanced imaging technology.

The images depict fragments of candid photographs placed into 3-dimensional space. They use depth data captured from a Microsoft XBOX Kinect video game controller with hacked drivers, digital SLR images, and custom software.



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